International Business

Формирование компании

В ОАЭ существует три типа компаний:


Mainland позволяет предпринимателям и инвесторам осуществлять предпринимательскую деятельность в любой части ОАЭ. Такой вид компании предлагает значительные возможности гибкости при аренде офиса без каких-либо ограничений в отношении офисных помещений.

  • Отсутствие валютных ограничений
  • Отсутствие корпоративного налога
  • Требование минимального капитала
  • Личные льготы по подоходному налогу
  • Доступ к клиентам из любой точки мира
  • Нет ограничений на количество рабочих мест

Компания Freezone

Для поощрения и стимулирования внешней торговли и инвестиций в ОАЭ создаются свободные зоны. Свободные зоны предлагают широкий спектр бизнес-стимулов

  • 100% освобождение от импортных и экспортных налогов
  • 100% владение собственностью

Многие паспорта являются весьма ограниченными для безвизовой мобильности, заставляя граждан получать визы, когда им нужно выезжать за границу. Второй паспорт может предложить отдельным лицам из этих стран повысить мобильность в мире. Например, паспорт Пакистана разрешает въезд без виз только в 26 стран, тогда как паспорт Кипра позволяет безвизовый въезд в 145 стран. Разница в глобальной мобильности составляет невероятное количество времени, которое сохраняется при подаче заявок на визу и бесценно для бизнесменов во всем мире.

Joint Ventures

Joint ventures are a particular form of partnership that involves the creation of a third independently managed company. It is the 1+1=3 process. Two companies come together in a particular market, either geographic or product, and create a third company to undertake this. Risks and profits are normally shared equally.

Buying an existing Company

In some markets buying an existing local company may be the most appropriate entry strategy. This may be because the company has substantial market share, are a direct competitor to you or due to government regulations this is the only option for your firm to enter the market. It is certainly the most costly and determining the true value of a firm in a foreign market will require substantial due diligence. On the plus side this entry strategy will immediately provide you the status of being a local company and you will receive the benefits of local market knowledge, an established customer base and be treated by the local government as a local firm.


Franchising is the usual process for rapid market expansion. Franchising works well for firms that have a repeatable business model (eg. food outlets) that can be easily transferred into other markets. Two caveats are required when considering using the franchise model. The first is that your business model should either be very unique or have strong brand recognition that can be utilized internationally and secondly you may be creating your future competition in your franchisee

Turnkey Projects

Turnkey projects are particular to companies that provide services such as environmental consulting, architecture, construction and engineering. A turnkey project is where the facility is built from the ground up and turned over to the client ready to go – turn the key and the plant is operational. This is a very good way to enter foreign markets as the client is normally a government and often the project is being financed by an international financial agency such as the World Bank so the risk of not being paid is eliminated.

Greenfield Investments

Greenfield investments require the greatest involvement in international business. A Greenfield investment is where you buy the land, build the facility and operate the business on an ongoing basis in a foreign market. It is certainly the most costly and holds the highest risk but some markets may require you to undertake the cost and risk due to government regulations, transportation costs, and the ability to access technology or skilled labour.